Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Again too long...

Well again it has been awhile since I have posted, so here goes the past few months. ..

David and I had a little bit of a scare thinking we might have to move to Texas for a job, but at the last minute the move was cancelled. When we thought we were moving, we finished our entire upstairs including new carpet and paint in the bedrooms, and George and Pat helped us start our master bathroom and cleaning out our garage and storage shed. We have the shower and bath installed including the drywall, but progress has stopped in the bathroom due to the nice weather we are having in Colorado.

Last weekend David and I took our overgrown space next to the house and extended our driveway. We now have enough room on the driveway for both vehicles...I know David is excited not to be parking on the street anymore. We are planning on adding a patio and extending our sidewalk in the front yard within the next few weeks. More pictures to come...

David and I celebrated our 1st year as husband and wife this month. We enjoyed an evening at home just the two of us. David grilled steaks, and we shared the top of our wedding cake...it wasn't that bad!

We also added a new member of our family Mylee Joy at the beginning of March. She has been a little more of a challenge than Ty, but we love her all the same. Here are pictures of her first haircut.

David and I have been spending as much time as possible with Kasey as well. We are so happy to be Uncle David and Aunt Nikki...we tell everyone it is the greatest gift we have ever been given. We have spent a few days babysitting as Kasey couldn't go to daycare and loved every minute of it. We can't wait for the new arrivals in July and August as my sister (Emily) and Amy are due only 1 month apart.

We are leaving in 3 weeks for Georgia and will be gone for a few weeks...going to David's family reunion in South Carolina and just seeing that part of the United States.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Past Few Weeks

David and I have been busy for the past few weeks and apologize for not posting. We have been to Kansas twice, once for my best friend Jessica's wedding and the other time to celebrate my grandmother's 80th birthday. We have also completed several projects in our kitchen. My dad and David put floating shelves up in the kitchen, and David and I put some other shelving up for more storage. We only have one more shelving unit left to put up, and we will be done. Can you believe it! We will be done with our kitchen. If only I could say we are done with the house.

Jessica and me at her wedding

Our kitchen shelving

Anyways, Ty is doing great. He is very excited, because he will be getting a sister at the beginning of March. Mylee Joy will be joining our family here very shortly, and we couldn't be happier. She is a Lhasa Apso and will be 8 weeks when we pick her up.

Mylee Joy
So there it is our life for the past fews weeks in a few words. Blog to you soon.

David and me on Valentine's Day

My friend Brooke and me

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Death by Wii Fitness

David and I have decided to live a healthier lifestyle starting in 2010. We both want to feel better about ourselves, so for the past few days, we have been setting up my Christmas gift from David...Wii Fitness Plus. Last night David and I tried it out for the first time, and today we are hurting BAD. Every inch of my body is killing me (even my little toe), and David isn't looking too good today either. So, if you hear of a couple in Fountain that were found dead next to their Wii Fitness...it is US!
Watch out for us in the headlines and continue to check in on our progress to a healthier lifestyle!

David and I after our walk today!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last few moments of 2009!

We have David's good friend Sean and his friend from Canada (Kelly) stay with us Tuesday night. We took them to Wines of Colorado for dinner. It was a blast with a couple of bottles of wine and great food.

Tonight David, Ty and I are enjoying the last day of 2009 together at home. We went to see Avatar today, but now we are relaxing in front of the TV. We have a few glasses of wine and waiting for Peach Bellini Champagne (Yummy!!!)

Here are a few before and after pictures of our entryway.

Only before picture we have of our entryway!

Midway point of remodeling!

My mom and I painted the entire room.

David and George installed the new stairs...I love them!

See everyone in 2010!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Excited about the New Year.

David and I are so excited for 2010, and all we have to look forward to in the New Year. David's new business looks like it will be kicking off 2010 with several "Slam Dunk" deals. He will be traveling ALOT, but we are hoping I will be able to go with him on some trips. I am hoping to go back to school and finish my degree in Business Finance. I have been wanting to go back to school for some time (as some of you know), but I never felt like it was the right time. Well, here I go!

We are also looking forward to starting more projects in our home. We have a completed bathroom, master bedroom, and dining room, but we still have a few kitchen items, master closet, master bathroom, and front yard we would like to finish in 2010.

Guest Bathroom Before

Guest Bathroom After

Kasey William Cannode (our nephew) is another excitement of the New Year. We are officially Uncle David and Aunt Nikki, and we couldn't be happier. He is the beautiful rainbow in our skies, and we can't wait to see him grow.

Nikki holding Kasey for the first time!

David holding Kasey...I don't think he was excited at all!

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Starting the Blog for the Second Time

David and I started this blog a year ago to info our family and friends know can't be near us what our life is all about, but we haven't done a very good job so far. Our New Year's Resolution is to start this blog for the second time and continue updating it. So here we go...

As of May 4, 2009, we were officially Mr. and Mrs. Cannode. We had a beautiful wedding in Las Vegas (one of our favorite vacation spots) with a few very close friends and family members. After a few days of Vegas we decided to head to McPherson, KS (my home town) for a wedding reception and short honeymoon. It was a wonderful time as David met some of my family for the first time, and I was able to catch up with a few people I hadn't seen in several years.

In September we decided to go with David's parents (Pat and George) to Ohio to see his family. We spent 3 weeks meeting and catching up with many of his relatives. It was a great time getting to know everyone. We couldn't have asked for anything better.

As of the last few months we have been completing projects around our house. David has been traveling a lot for his job, and I have been getting ready to go back to school in the fall. We have also been very busy with our dog Ty who thinks he is in control of our home with David encouraging all the way.

We are looking forward to a New Year as Uncle David and Aunt Nikki to our new nephew Kasey and making more memories as Husband and Wife.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

House and San Jose Pics

Front of the house. We took off the stove pipe this last weekend, so it looks so much better.

Back porch with hot tub. I love it!

Back porch with bar and grill. Lets PARTY!!!

David and I heading to the ocean!
David and me at the ocean. We had a great time.